Saturday, August 25, 2012

pismo camping You ll need a guide who knows the area and where the best flats are found. Many hotels offer bonefis

Adventures on Water 208 Fishing 208 Fishing/Accommodation Packages 209 Diving 211 Best Dive Sites 211 Dive Operators pismo camping 212 Dive/Accommodation Packages 212 Best Snorkeling Spots 213 Where to Stay & Eat 214 Dining 214 Accommodations 214

Don t even consider taking the mail boats if you suffer from sea sickness. By Private Boat The Islands of the Bahamas have, since the dawn of recorded history, held a special interest for sailors. Spanish pismo camping explorers, pirates and privateers and blockade runners have plied these waters. Today, private watercraft make

You ll need a guide who knows the area and where the best flats are found. Many hotels offer bonefishing packages that include the services of a reliable and experienced pismo camping guide. If not, don t be afraid to ask. The hotel desk is the best place to start, but many taxi drivers know just who to put you in touch with. Most boat rental companies and dive companies will also know of someone. Bonefishing is good almost everywhere in the islands, from Abaco to the Acklins, and from Bimini to Eleuthera. Unlike most other sportfishing, it is good throughout the year. There are a number of ways to go about it. It s claimed that in some areas bonefish can be caught from the dock, or by casting into the surf, or from a skiff. But

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