Adventures There s not too much, I m afraid, but if you love nature and the great outdoors, a trek along Salt Rock Hills offers long ravine campground some spectacular views. To the west is Belle Sound and tiny Horse Cay, no more than a rock jutting out of the ocean; to the east is the Turks Island Passage.
Pirates & Privateers In 1666, New Providence was settled by a second group of Englishmen. They, too, arrived from Bermuda seeking a better life. By then, however, other adventurers had already realized that the Bahamas, close to the already busy shipping routes from the New World to Spain and Portugal, offered quick and easy pickings. By 1660, privateering (officially sanctioned and often royally commissioned piracy) was already an established industry.
Dining Restaurant Price Scale $. less than $20 per person $$. $20-$50 per person $$$. $50+ per person $$ Calico Jack s, on Duke Street, is the oldest and busiest inn on Grand Turk. The cuisine claims to be international and, for the most part, it is, with grilled long ravine campground steaks, chicken, fresh fish, and all served in generous portions.
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