The western side of the island, reserve america promotion code as you ll see from the map, is a vast stretch of salt marshland and tidal wetlands know as the Ramsar Site. This is one of last great, undisturbed wetlands in the Western reserve america promotion code Hemisphere. It s a world of waterfowl, vast bonefish flats, lobster beds, conch flats, and meandering creeks reserve america promotion code and streams full of bonefish. If you can find someone to guide you, it would be a shame to miss such an opportunity. Make enquiries at your hotel.
Caribbean Paradise Inn. Another moderately priced resort actually more of an inn. The hotel overlooks Grace Bay and it s small and intimate; only 16 guest rooms, all fully air-conditioned and comfortably furnished. The bathrooms are small, with shower stalls only. All rooms also have mini-bars and TVs. There is a pool, but no on-site restaurant. Clean and nice, but a bit on the sparse side. PO Box 673, Grace Bay, Providenciales, reserve america promotion code Turks and Caicos, BWI, 649-946-5020; EP from $129.
Grand Bahama Captain Ted Been, Freeport, 242-352-2797. Captain Tony Cooper, Freeport, 242-352-6782. Captain Steve Hollingsworth, Freeport, 242-352-2050. Captain Elon Sonny Martin, Freeport, 242-352-6835. Captain John Roberts, Freeport, 242-352-7915. Captain Doug Silvera, Port Lucaya, 242-373-8446.
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