Paradise Island, 5, 25, 30, 52, 67, 79, 83, 136; accommodations, 5, 14, 58, 97, 100-101, 102; beaches, 5, 69, 100-101, 102; car rental companies, 63; casino, 55, 67, 78; dining, 97, 102; golf, 77-78; scuba diving, 55; watersports, 102
Moray eels, on the whole, are nocturnal creatures and like to be left alone inside their chosen lair. There are a few that might have become accustomed to humans and the handouts they have come to expect from them but those that haven t can, if disturbed or threatened, give you a very nasty bite. Stay at a respectful distance.
Long Island red apple campground (the Exumas), 257, 258, 281; accommodations red apple campground 292-293; boat rentals, 291; bonefishing, 291; dining, 291-292; dive outfitters, 290-291; red apple campground dive sites, 288, 288-290; fishing, 291; history, red apple campground 282-283; red apple campground getting there, 283-285; population, 283; shipwrecks, 281, 288-290; snorkeling, 288
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