Bonefish come up onto the flats in schools and can be seen first in the near distance as a dark stain in the crystal-clear water above the white sandy bottom, then as a vast, surging ripple on the surface of the water as maybe a hundred fish move like a flock of birds, this way and that, across the flats, tails cleaving the water. Then you see them, shadowy gray streaks flashing over the white sand, ghostly, moving fast.
Long Island jalama beach weather 281 History jalama beach weather 282 Getting There 283 By Air 283 By Mail Boat 284 Vacation Packages 284 Sightseeing 285 The Adderley Plantation 285 Columbus Point 286 Conception Island 286 Deadman s Cay Caves 286 Churches 287
Turks Head Inn. This old inn, circa 1869, oozes atmosphere. There are just eight guest rooms, all recently renovated and furnished with antique reproductions. Satellite TV is a bonus, jalama beach weather as are the telephones, if you consider such luxuries an essential. Some of the downstairs rooms have their own gardens, and the upstairs rooms have balconies. Best of all, it s inexpensive. Duke Street, jalama beach weather PO Box 58, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos, BWI, 649-946-2466. From $65.
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