The Islands of the Bahamas 4 New Providence 54 Nassau 66 Grand Bahama backpacking northern california 104 The Abacos 144 Andros 188 North & South Bimini 204 Eleuthera 220 Great & Little Exuma 236 The Acklins & Crooked Island 259 The Berry Islands 263 Cat Island 268 Great Inagua 278 Long Island 282 San Salvador 295 The Turks & Caicos 312 Providenciales 319 Grand Turk 331 Cockburn 334 North Caicos 337 Middle Caicos 342
Long Island (the Exumas), 257, 258, 281; accommodations 292-293; boat rentals, 291; bonefishing, 291; dining, 291-292; dive outfitters, 290-291; dive sites, 288, 288-290; fishing, 291; history, 282-283; getting there, 283-285; population, 283; shipwrecks, 281, 288-290; snorkeling, 288
There are no restricted fishing seasons; it s open season throughout the year on whatever you want to catch. Licenses are not required if you re fishing from a Bahamian- registered boat. You will, however, need to obtain a sport-fishing backpacking northern california permit if using your own craft. A single-visit permit backpacking northern california costs $20 and is available at your legal port of entry into the Bahamas. An annual permit will cost you $250. You can also obtain your permit in advance by contacting the Department of Fisheries, PO Box N-3028, Nassau, Bahamas, 242-393-1777.
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