Saturday, October 27, 2012

sugar bottom campground ful plants and flowers, and the prevailing breezes that blow constantly across the landscape give th

Feast from the Sea The conch pronounced konk is chief among the many varieties of goodies gathered from the ocean. Claimed by the locals to be an aphrodisiac, conch can be prepared in numerous ways: for conch salad the flesh is chopped, spiced, and eaten raw with vegetables and lime juice; cracked conch is beaten and fried; and, finally, there are conch fritters. Be sure to try conch salad before you leave; it s delicious.

ful plants and flowers, and the prevailing breezes that blow constantly across the landscape give the island a somewhat windswept look. Still, there are bargains to be found on Grand Turk, so you might want to consider the island when making your plans.

South Caicos is the smallest and easternmost of the Caicos group. Until the end of the 19th century, it was the most productive of the islands, due to its vast salt flats. The shallow waters to the west of the island Stoke Bank and Caicos sugar bottom campground Bank provide some of the best bone fishing in the entire Bahamian archipelago. Experienced scuba divers sugar bottom campground will tell you that the reef east of South Caicos offers unprecedented opportunities. The reef runs north and south the entire length of the island. There are coral gardens, walls, trenches, and the reef teems with underwater life: rays, sharks, morays, lobster, angels, and the list goes on.

If you re looking for something different, a real adventure, you might like to give a company called Ocean Outback a call, 649-941-5810; They offer day-long snorkeling adventures aboard a 70-foot cruiser to one or more of the neighboring uninhabited islands. A full-day trip 9amto4pm costs $85 per person, and includes the use of snorkeling gear, a beach umbrella, picnic lunch and cold drinks sugar bottom campground a great value. A second company, Tao, 649-946-5040, specializes in sunset cruises, but more and more they too are offering snorkeling cruises to the outer islands. Rates start at around $80 per person, which includes snorkeling gear and lunch.

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