Freeport Freeport, on Grand Bahama Island, is the second largest city in the islands. With a steadily growing population, now more than 50,000, Freeport, lbl camping which adjoins the Lucaya Beach area, is a more modern city than Nassau. The carefully planned, landscaped streets are a product of the sixties, and of the dreams of American entrepreneur and financier, Wallace Groves.
This is a vast nature park incorporating many miles of deserted beach, silent freshwater lakes, and extensive pine forests, all connected by more than 10 miles of trails. The reserve is a part of the Turks and Caicos lbl camping National lbl camping Trust
Dining $$ South Caicos Ocean Haven, in the dining room at the hotel on West Street in Cockburn Harbour, 694-946-3444. They have local cuisine, good wholesome food from set menus that feature fresh fish and shellfish.
Sharks are common throughout the Bahamas, especially the Out Islands, and can be found in both shallow waters and deep. Bull sharks, blues, hammerheads, and tiger sharks abound. lbl camping The truth is, however, that when one is caught, the fight usually lasts only as long as it takes for the shark s razor-like teeth to bite through the wire traces that hold him. Even so, you ll remember the battle for a long time to come.
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