The little towns and villages are an odd mixture of the old and the new. Here and there across the Out Islands you ll find impressive colonial manor houses right alongside half-finished concrete structures that will one day, as money permits, become camping near seattle the homes of fishermen and farmers.
fishing, 39-45; the Abacos, 44, 141, 143, 161-165; the Acklins, 258; Andros, 189, 195, 196-197; Behring Point, 203; Berry Islands, 262, 263-264; Bimini, 39, 43, 44, 205, 206, 208-209; blue-water, 40-42; Boat Harbour, 44; Chub Cay, 44; camps, 197, 203; Cargill camping near seattle Creek, 203; Conch Bar, 344; Crooked Island 258; Eleuthera, 227; the Exumas, 237, 249-251; camping near seattle Fernandez Bay, 275; George Town, 254, 255; Grand Bahama, 127; Great Abaco, 160; Great Guana Cay, 157, 182; guides, 44, 359-361; Harbour Island, 235; Hawk s Nest, 274; licenses, 45; Little Exuma, 245; Little camping near seattle Inagua, 276; Long Island, 291; Marsh Harbour, 184; Nassau, 60; New Providence, 55; North Caicos, 338, 339; Out Islands, 7-8; packages, 44, 162-164, 209-210, 250; Providenciales, 322; South Caicos, 345, 347; Staniel Cay, 242; Stella Maris, 293; tournaments, 44-45, 162, 185, 210, 250; Treasure Cay, 44, 185-186, Turks & Caicos, 314; Walker s Cay, 44, 158, 186
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