Climate The trade winds blow almost continuously here, creating a warm, agreeable climate camping in north carolina that varies little throughout the year. September through May, when the temperature averages 70-75 F, is the most refreshing time to visit. camping in north carolina The
800-465-4329, $70 to $100. Holiday Inn Sunspree, Paradise Island, Box SS-6249, Nassau, 800-331-6471, $180 to $225. Nassau Beach Hotel, camping in north carolina Cable Beach, camping in north carolina 800-627-7282, $125 EP. Nassau Marriott camping in north carolina Resort & Crystal Palace Casino, Cable Beach, 800-222-7466, $225 EP. The Nassau Harbour Club Hotel & Marina, Box SS-5755, Nassau, 242-393-0771, $90 EP. Ocean Club Golf & Tennis Resort, Box N-4777, Nassau,
Hotels in most packages range from Tourist Class to Superior Deluxe, and are supposed to be inspected camping in north carolina by the tour operator on a regular basis; some do, indeed, carry out such inspections. Remember, however, that you are not dealing with the same standards as in the United States, Canada or England (see the definitions under Accommodations on pages 20-21). camping in north carolina I recommend that you NOT book a package with a hotel rated less than Deluxe.
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