Maybe you ll meet the taxi driver whose small, three-bedroom home shelters not only him and his wife, but five grown-up children and six of his grandchildren as well. Far from being harassed camping southern california by the situation, he ll tell you how happy he is that they are all around camping southern california for him to enjoy.
maps: Abacos 144; Acklins & Crooked Island, 259; Andros, 188; the Bahamas, 4; Berry Islands, 263; Cat Island, 268; Grand Bahama, 104; Grand Turk, 331; Great & Little Exuma, 236; Great Inagua, 278; Long Island, 282; New Providence, 54; North and South Bimini, 204; North Caicos, 337; Providenciales, 319; San Salvador, 295; Turks & Caicos Islands, 312
People to People If you want to get to know the real Bahamians, go out and meet the people. This is easily achieved through the government- sponsored People to People program offered by the Ministry of Tourism. It gives visitors the opportunity to meet and socialize with Bahamians, meeting them in their homes and participating in their social and cultural events. Get involved and you ll be invited to a variety of activities and social events. These might include performances camping southern california by a local theater group, sporting events, or afternoon tea with a Bahamian camping southern california family. For more information, contact the People-to-People Unit at the Tourist Information Center at Rawson Square in Nassau, at one of the information booths at the Nassau International Airport, or on Bay Street next to the Straw Market, at Prince George Dock, where the Ministry of Tourism s main office is located. In Freeport, there s a tourist office at the International Bazaar. In the Out Islands there are offices on Abaco, Eleuthera and the Exumas. To find out more on the Internet, go to, click on People at the left of the screen, then click on People-to-People Programme.
On the south shore are two more grand beaches. Long Bay Beach runs westward from Stubbs Cove to Extreme Point. Then there s Sapodilla Bay Beach to the southwest. camping southern california Both are nice, though not quite in the same class as Grace Bay, but both have well-protected waters where the kids can splash about and you won t have to worry about them being swept away by rough waves. Sapodilla is exceptionally
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