You should seek professional advice before taking off into the deep. It matters camping needs little where you might be staying; even on the most remote of the Out Islands there will always be someone available to warn you about the currents or other dangers at any given spot. Jean Michel Cousteau Adventures If you re really interested in a snorkeling vacation, arrange camping needs a stay at one of the hotels participating in the Jean Michel Cousteau Snorkeling Adventures program. It s a great value. For $98-$99 you can immerse camping needs yourself into an exciting new world of wondrous camping needs corals and colorful fish. Unlock the secrets of thousands camping needs of miles of coral reefs, more than 700 islands, and over 100,000 square miles of ocean. Receive snorkeling instruction camping needs by trained professionals on guided excursions, a snorkeling instruction book, reference books and a custom camping needs T-shirt. And, within 10 days of your return home you ll receive your very own set of US Divers Limited Edition Jean-Michel Cousteau diving mask, fins, snorkel camping needs and gear bag. You ll also receive a personalized certificate from Jean-Michel Cousteau welcoming you to the exciting new world as well as the Snorkeling Guide To Marine camping needs Life and the accompanying Underwater Identification Cards. camping needs Participating Out Island hotels are listed throughout the book and in the At a Glance section. Your travel agent can book the program for you or you can book it yourself through the Bahama Out Island Promotion Board, 800-688-4752, fax 954-688-4752, camping needs
Governor camping needs s Harbour & Spanish Wells Eleuthera Express leaves Monday at 7 pm and returns on Tuesday at 8 pm. She also leaves on Thursday at 7 am and returns on Sunday. camping needs Sailing time is five hours. The fare is $20. The Exumas Ragged camping needs Island, Exuma Cays, Barraterre, Staniel Point, Black Point, Farmer s Cay Ettienne & Cephas leaves Tuesday at 2 pm. 242-393-1064 for return. Sailing time is 21 hours. The fare is $50. George Town Grand Master leaves Tuesday at 2 pm and returns on Friday at 7 am. Sailing time is 12 hours. The fare is $40. Grand Bahama Freeport Marcella III leaves Wednesday at 4 pm and returns on Saturday at 7 pm. Sailing time is 12 hours. The fare is $45. Inagua Abilin leaves Tuesday at 12 noon and returns on Saturday (time varies). Sailing time is 17 hours. The fare is $70. Long Island camping needs Clarence Town Abilin leaves Tuesday at 12 noon and returns on Saturday (time varies). camping needs Sailing time is 17 hours. The fare is $65.
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