In later years, the explorers were followed by adventurers of a different sort. Pirates, corsairs, holiday hill campground brigands, ne r-do-wells and privateers all drawn by the promise of easy pickings holiday hill campground and quick riches flocked to the Bahamas in the thousands. Men such as the notorious Edward Teach (Blackbeard), Calico Jack Rakham, Henry Morgan, Major Bonnet, and nefarious women buccaneers such as Anne Bonney (Calico Jack s mistress), and Mary Reed scoured the seas in search of vulnerable merchant ships carrying gold, silver and jewels. Only slightly better were the so-called privateers, holiday hill campground such as Francis Drake and John Hawkins, who pillaged and plundered in the name of whatever sovereign happened to be on the throne at the time.
Other than fish, most of the food eaten on the islands is imported, which makes it somewhat expensive. While restaurants on the Out Islands tend to serve mostly Bahamian foods, more and more American fare is making its way onto Bahamian tables. You can find a good steak or prime rib and the inevitable French fries at most of the popular restaurants in Nassau and Freeport. And almost all of the American fast-food chains are represented: McDonalds, Burger King, KFC.
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