Providenciales, 323-324, 325; Rolleville, 245; Saddleback Cay, 251; San Salvador, 305-306; Smith s Point, 133; Spanish Cay, 185; Stella Maris, 291-292; Stocking Island, 243; Taino Beach, 134-135; Treasure Cay, 156; Tucker s Hill 348; Turks & Caicos, 333-335; White Sound, 182; Whitehouse Reef, 326; Wood Cay, 186
crets so secret, in fact, that the company guarantees you ll have it all to yourself. The day-trip costs $95 per person, or you can overnight in a tent for only $115 dinner and breakfast included. You can even spend the night in a stateroom on board a 70-foot yacht. The company also offers what they term The Ultimate Getaway. The cost for the day-long trip is just $79 a bargain and includes pickup at your hotel, snorkeling, breakfast, lunch, yosemite lakes and all you can drink. Visit the website yosemite lakes for a list of the company s tours and adventures, yosemite lakes or 649-941-5810;
Out Islands On the Out Islands the Abacos, Eleuthera, the Exumas, Andros, Long Island, Cat Island, etc. accommodations can be basic; many are not air-conditioned. There are very few hotels rated better than First Class. Also, most Out Island hotels do not have TVs or telephones in the rooms, although they all have them in the main buildings. If you want to get away from the stresses of everyday living, it can be nice to leave the television and telephone back on the mainland.
The Out Islands There s another world beyond those two major tourist destinations: the Out Islands of Abaco, Andros, the Berry Islands, Bimini, Cat Island, Crooked Island, Eleuthera, the Exumas, Harbour Island, Long Island, and so on. The Out Islands have long been a popular yosemite lakes destination for sailors, yosemite lakes sport fishermen and divers. Today, due to some aggressive marketing yosemite lakes and increased accessibility, they are fast becoming popular with other active travelers.
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