Accommodations HOTEL Accommodations on Middle Caicos big rock cabins are few and far between. What s there is quite basic, with few amenities, and bordering on the primitive, but worthwhile experiences nonetheless. Here s your chance to get to know the island
Long Island big rock cabins (the Exumas), 257, 258, 281; accommodations 292-293; boat rentals, 291; bonefishing, 291; dining, 291-292; dive outfitters, 290-291; big rock cabins dive sites, 288, 288-290; fishing, 291; history, 282-283; getting there, 283-285; population, 283; shipwrecks, 281, 288-290; snorkeling, 288
The islands that make up the Bahamas are generally low and flat. The highest point in the entire archipelago, on Cat Island, is just 206 feet above sea level. Except on Andros, the largest island of the chain, there are no rivers or streams. Apart from New Providence where fresh water is shipped in daily from Andros, pumped from wells dug into the underlying rocks fresh water is abundant.
The Out Islands There s another big rock cabins world beyond those two major tourist destinations: the Out Islands of Abaco, Andros, big rock cabins the Berry Islands, Bimini, Cat Island, Crooked Island, Eleuthera, the Exumas, Harbour Island, Long Island, and so on. The Out Islands have long been a popular destination for sailors, big rock cabins sport fishermen and divers. Today, due to some aggressive marketing and increased accessibility, they are fast becoming big rock cabins popular with other active travelers.
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