The western side of the island, as you ll see from the map, is a vast stretch of salt marshland and tidal wetlands know as the Ramsar Site. This is one of last great, undisturbed wetlands riverfront campground in the Western Hemisphere. It s a world of waterfowl, riverfront campground vast bonefish flats, lobster beds, conch flats, and meandering creeks and streams full of bonefish. If you can find someone to guide you, it would be a shame to miss such an opportunity. Make enquiries at your hotel.
This is also a great way to make short trips to the Out Islands. riverfront campground For instance, the Bahamas Daybreak III leaves Nassau on Mondays at 7 pm, arrives at Governor s Harbour on Eleuthera at midnight, and returns to Nassau at 8 pm on Tuesday. You could spend the night at the Duck Inn or the Rainbow Inn, spend the next day sightseeing, swimming, snorkeling or whatever, then catch the boat and be back in your hotel by 1:30 am, just in time to get some sleep. Unfortunately, passage cannot be arranged in advance, but only after arrival in the Bahamas. For more information, call the dock master at Potter s Cay,
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