for hours, never setting eyes on another human being. The waters off the island are a snorkeler s and scuba diver s paradise. The ocean teems with colorful life, and the corals lie undisturbed, as they have for thousands of years. You can visit the flamingos at Flamingo Pond, observing them in their own environment. You can snorkel the shallow riley creek campground waters of the barrier reef, and fish the ocean for such prizes as marlin, kingfish, wahoo, tuna, shark, and more. There s also bone fishing. How long this little section of paradise will remain undiscovered riley creek campground is anybody s guess.
Dining Restaurant Price Scale $. less than $20 per person $$. $20-$50 per person $$$. $50+ per person $ Papa Grunt s Seafood Restaurant. The cuisine is American and West Indian, and the food is excellent. The menu includes such delights riley creek campground as conch salad, cracked conch, steamed conch and conch fritters. Fresh fish is also
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